February 25, 2017
1:09 - 12:30
Surviving the Script
There’s a story I know by heart. It’s a monologue I once performed often, about a woman named Laura.
Get in the Crystal
When I saw the party announcement weeks ago I felt a sinking feeling and simply avoided it. At 10 p.m. on election night, after it…
Against “Bernie Would Have Won”
There is a persistent political fantasy, one I have often fallen into myself, that equates having the right ideas/message with winning.
Did someone request a Saturday night full of sparkling conversation, magazine lovers and smooth jams on the dance floor?
ISSUE 13 IS OUT and The Point is here to deliver. You’re on for a party with cheap drinks at the Experimental Station, home to some of the most exciting community projects and independent journalism in Chicago. There will be a small mountain of magazines hot off the press; come dance with the editors and our surprisingly sociable readers, and explore the various goings on at the Experimental Station. We’ll have Sasha NoDisco DJing all night. RSVP required & more info here.