January 17, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Surviving the Script
There’s a story I know by heart. It’s a monologue I once performed often, about a woman named Laura.
Get in the Crystal
When I saw the party announcement weeks ago I felt a sinking feeling and simply avoided it. At 10 p.m. on election night, after it…
Against “Bernie Would Have Won”
There is a persistent political fantasy, one I have often fallen into myself, that equates having the right ideas/message with winning.
The Point Program for Public Thinking presents a Q&A with the critic, writer, and editor Becca Rothfeld at the University of Chicago on January 17th at 6 p.m. in Cobb 110. We’ll be talking with Becca about how she got into writing literary criticism, how she sees the relationship between her academic work in philosophy and her public writing, and what advice (or warnings!) she has for budding critics. Most of the time will be reserved for a student Q&A with Becca—so come with questions!
Becca Rothfeld is a writer, critic, and philosophy Ph.D. student at Harvard. Winner of the Silvers Prize for Literary Criticism and a two-time finalist for the National Book Critics Circle’s book reviewing award, her essays and criticism have appeared in the New Yorker, the New York Review of Books, Bookforum, the TLS, and more. She is also a contributing editor at The Point and Boston Review.
This event is only open to UChicago students.
Accessibility: The event at UChicago will be fully wheelchair accessible.