February 11, 2016
6:30 - 1:00
Surviving the Script
There’s a story I know by heart. It’s a monologue I once performed often, about a woman named Laura.
Get in the Crystal
When I saw the party announcement weeks ago I felt a sinking feeling and simply avoided it. At 10 p.m. on election night, after it…
Against “Bernie Would Have Won”
There is a persistent political fantasy, one I have often fallen into myself, that equates having the right ideas/message with winning.
What is protest for? On Thursday, February 11, join The Point at Hull House for a moderated discussion between Bill Ayers (activist and educator), Janaé Bonsu (BYP 100 National Public Policy Chair), and Charles W. Mills (professor of philosophy at Northwestern). Over the past year, protests have broken out at home and abroad, on college campuses and in the streets. As a tactic for change, as a space for mourning or empowerment, what does protest seek to accomplish, and how do we know when a protest has been successful? With an eye to current movements and their forebears, The Point has gathered a slate of activists and thinkers to examine a question both enduring and urgent. RSVP required & more info here.